About Sider

Reducing wasted apples by producing a refreshing apple cider. By taking a side spot in the Dutch supply chain of apples, SIDER is reintroducing visually rejected apples to the market and is thereby saving 200.000 kilogram of apples from being wasted in 2022. The sparkling cider is low in alcohol, which makes it a perfectly refreshing beverage for both the warmer and the colder months. SIDER is scoping its marketing on adults, within the age class of 18-40 years old, who are aware of sustainability aspects, are having a (semi) healthy lifestyle and a strong willingness to try out new alcoholic beverages. To communicate directly with this target group, SIDER will promote on summer festivals to share its and vision.

Meet the product

The core products of SIDER are low alcoholic (3%), sparkling ciders. Besides the initial apple cider itself, SIDER is offering awareness and participation towards food waste reduction. The product range will be extended in the future to increase this awareness and participation.

Meet the team

The team behind SIDER exist out of four food technology students. Rick Mannes is controlling the marketing department, Naomi Brouwer is focussed on Sales and sustainability, Sacha Bakker is responsible for finance and management, and Bastiaan Pauw takes care of the business operations. The team will start up the business with this division, focussed on extending the business in the future. The team is very driven to reduce wasted products and turn them into a beloved drink!