Publications on Social Entrepreneurship and Blended Learning


I am very proud to announce two interesting publications as a spin-off from the EU-Strategic Partnership “Social Entrepreneurship for Local Change” (SELC: ). Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein (HVHL) participated in this project for the last three years. It culminated in an Intensive Program with 35 participants from all over Europe in Bucharest, in the Malburgen neighborhood in Arnhem and in a Lahemaa National Park in Estonia. We studied social and environmental opportunities that could be translated into social enterprises. This new knowledge will now be implemented in the 2nd year curriculum of Management van de Leefomgeving in Velp. The SELC-project experimented very successfully with blended learning, e-learning and Design Thinking. It offered many students and staff members the opportunity to travel to European destinations in Estonia, Germany and Romania.

The SELC project has ended, but we managed to get a second term under the title “Community Learning for Local Change” (CLLC). In this three year Erasmus+ -project we hope to invite Dutch communities to take part of the learning process and help them to develop an entrepreneurial approach to achieve social or environmental goals.

In the links below you will have full access to the outputs of the SELC-project: Two publications on Part 1: “Advancing Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education” and Part 2: “Teaching and Learning Social Entrepreneurship, A Blended Learning Model” and Part 3: the full resources with video testimonials, learning guides, etc. Please enjoy and incorporate this knowledge to work on the People-side of Sustainability!

Further information: Daan van der Linde, [email protected]

